15 Pink O'Hara Roses Bouquet
15 Pink O'Hara Roses Bouquet
15 Pink O'Hara Roses Bouquet
15 Pink O'Hara Roses Bouquet

15 Pink O'Hara Roses Bouquet

Цена продажиDhs. 355.00

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Самовывоз доступен в Shop RB01, Podium Level, Capital Bay, Business Bay Обычно готов через 1 час

15 Pink O'Hara Roses Bouquet

Just the bouquet with 15 roses

Shop RB01, Podium Level, Capital Bay, Business Bay

Возможен самовывоз, обычно готов через 1 час

Capital Bay Towers
Retail Shop RB01
Dubai DU


Свяжитесь с нами

Beautiful round bouquet in stylish wrapping with 15 scented garden roses pink O'Hara.
Tips: add matching pink box with 12 assorted chocolates to make your gift special. 
Size: H50 cm x D40 cm